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Ukraine: Ambulances for Ukraine

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Ukraine: Ambulances for Ukraine

  • Status


  • Location Ukraine

Following the invasion of Ukraine, territories mined or having dangerous explosives is a major issue: ⅓ of the country is potentially contaminated (Most mined country in the world). The only safe way to rescue people & ensure medical care for people is to clear the territory first, requiring a special type of ambulances.

The project is therefore to provide demining teams with ambulances equipped with 4x4, maneuverable & suitable for rough terrain to overcome the lack of adapted medical vehicles. Medical teams that accompanies the deminers will be more operational to evacuate civilians, improve the access to (advanced) medical care & transport patients to hospitals or other medical facilities.

Partner NGO: Aide Médicale et Caritative France-Ukraine (AMC)

  • Promoter

    Florence Dufour - Business Development Director, Saint Ouen

  • Initiate date • Duration

    12.09.2023 • 9 months