Spain: Inclusive Trains: train cabin attendant course for people with intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness
Spain: Inclusive Trains: train cabin attendant course for people with intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness
Project completed
- Location Spain - Madrid
Specific training for people with intellectual disabilities to work as train stewards. Alstom Foundation funds will be used for human resources (Specialist teachers, job coaches, psychologist, administrative support), dissemination to attract students, adapted pedagogical material & equipments.
Key activities:
- Planning & course design (Specific contents, methodologies, evaluations, visits, etc) coordinated by all involved professionals
- Training development with the delivery of theoretical-practical & labor contents.
The training program consists of the following modules:
- Structure & organization of a station (40h)
- Assistance to dependent persons (72h)
- Passenger assistance (124h)
- Onboard services such as cafeteria & mobile bar (132h)
- Prevention & assistance to passengers in emergency (64h)
- Passenger service in English (128h).
NGO: Fundacion Juan XXIII
Carlos Mateo - Signalling & Infrastructure Sales, Madrid
Initiate date • Duration
06.09.2022 • 12 months