Provision of post-emergency electrical support for medical purposes in Ukraine
Provision of post-emergency electrical support for medical purposes in Ukraine

Since October 2022, the Alstom Foundation has partnered with Electriciens sans Frontières to meet electrical needs of mobile operational units conducting post-emergency medical activities. This 6-month project aims to provide 12 electrical generators (10 KVA) to carry out critical activities such as sterilisation, radiology, ventilation and lighting for the operating room, as well as 5-bed mobile post-operative units. The material was prepared in France and delivered to Ukraine for immediate installation.
Remote assistance will be implemented to safely install them while 1 or 2 people will be remotely trained on how to perform basic technical maintenance on generators for each mobile operating unit. In addition, the project includes the donation of 500 solar lamps to patients for lighting and battery recharging, allowing them to maintain communications between separated families.
This short project was originally set up at the request of NGO AICM Fund France-Ukraine (Association Internationale de Coopération Médicale), which has been providing power units to bombarded hospitals in the North, Centre and East of the Ukraine since the outbreak of the war.

12electrical generators delivered to carry out critical activities
500solar lamps donated to patients for lighting and battery recharging
10,000beneficiaries in Ukraine

As of today, the 12 generators have been distributed and connected, as well as the 500 solar lamps, benefiting over 10,000 beneficiaries in Kharkiv, Sumy, Kyiv and Poltava regions. Given the current context of increasing cold weather and lack of electricity in Ukraine, the project is crucial in supporting the local population as much as possible.