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India: TARA Outreach Centre

Economic, social  development & support

India: TARA Outreach Centre

  • Status


  • Location New Delhi

TARA Outreach Centre (TOC) is a day care centre, which provides protection, basic academic help and awareness to children (2-12 years old) who are living in the streets.

TOC builds competencies and skills to bridge the employability gap. It focuses on integrated, multi-skill development of the beneficiaries, along with enhancement of their language skills. Focus is on Mathematics, Hindi and English to supplement for the poor quality of the education for the school-goers. English is massively requested as it notably enhances the profile of an employee, increasing his/her opportunities and providing for better job stability.

Partner: ONYVA

  • Promoter

    Renu K J - Tender Document Controller, New Delhi

  • Initiate date • Duration

    01.10.2020 • 13 months