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France: Programme carbone Scol'ere

Environmental protection

France: Programme carbone Scol'ere

  • Status


  • Location France

Carbone Scol’Ere is an education programme on the environment and sustainable development, which helps to reduce one's carbon footprint through daily challenges and easy eco-behaviours. It is implemented in schools and colleges and is based on workshops and a web platform to measure challenges. Resulting C02 reduction is counted and consolidated nationally for all classes, making

efforts collective and visible.

The aim is to deploy the programme in 40 classes in various regions in France through:

  • "I commit": Children (9-12 years old) are ambassadors set out to change behaviours in families and become players on climate change, consumption and transport modes, waste management and more.
  • "I contribute": New behaviours resulting in reduced C02 are valued through carbon credits* representing the traceability tool, allowing for monetisation of reduced C02.

* CCE: Credits Carbones Educatifs

Partner: Fédération Leo Lagrange

  • Promoter

    Sophie Espie – France Public Affairs & CSR, Saint Ouen

  • Initiate date • Duration

    21.10.2021 • 24 months