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France: Entrepreneurship awareness programme to fight against school dropout

Economic, social  development & support

France: Entrepreneurship awareness programme to fight against school dropout

  • Status


  • Location France

The programme brings a sense of entrepreneurship to underprivileged young dropouts in order to tackle entrepreneurial spirit, learn about entrepreneurship and get familiar with leading a project. 

It will also give the students a chance to experience entrepreneurship with others while designing a project, pitching it before a jury, getting familiar with corporate management in a competitive environment, marketing and sales, as well as the different steps to set up and develop a business.

This programme allows dropouts to rebuild their own confidence, discover talents and resources and renew ties with schools and institutions.

Partner: Boutiques de Gestion Paris Ile de France (BGE PARIF)

  • Promoter

    Philippe Delleur - Public Affairs Senior Vice President, Saint Ouen

  • Initiate date • Duration

    21.10.2021 • 14 months