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Canada: Imagining my sustainable community

Environmental protection

Canada: Imagining my sustainable community

  • Status


  • Location Canada

70% of global carbon emissions come from how we build & live in our communities, while there is a complete lack of curriculum on how to build sustainable cities (Incl. mass public transit). 

The project consists of a 4-day hands-on integrated program to bring ecological awareness into Grade 7/9-classrooms through an introduction to sustainable urban planning & architecture, innovative art & design. Students are guided by design mentors to create a scale model of their sustainable city using key SD pillars like waste & water management, public transportation, alternative energy, green building design, urban agriculture, civic engagement, etc. They present their finished scale model to politicians, public & municipal representatives - In some cases their work has been built out. 

NGO: No. 9 The Culture of Sustainability

  • Promoter

    François Desmarais - Canada Public Affairs Director, Saint Bruno

  • Initiate date • Duration

    06.09.2022 • 10 months