Explore our projects
The Alstom Foundation’s project list is extremely varied, ranging from economic development initiatives, the organisation of waste recovery and co-tourism support, to campaigns aimed at raising awareness on environmental issues. Its vision has evolved over the years and has led to the recent refocusing of the Socio-Economic Development axis.
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340 projects on this cycle
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Chile: More opportunities, fewer barriers - strengthening gender equity in STEM careers phase 2 -
Peru: Job placement & social integration of young Venezuelan refugees & migrants in Lima -
Ecuador: Social enterprises, youth & women at the service of associations & farmers for the improvement of sustainable production and the defense of the environment in the Amazon region -
France: Creating a school of ecological transition - ETRE - in Tarbes -
France: L'Ouvre Boite -
UK: Providing support to children in crisis in Yorkshire -
Mexico: Conservation of the Chinantla forest through local community participation -
Sweden: FemHoppet phase 2 -
Italy: Supporting the empowerment of Afghan refugee women by fostering their integration into the labour market & education pathways -
Turkey: The green scene project
333projects selected since 2007
2.2M€budget for funding
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Around 287 projects have been successfully completed (Sept. 2024) since 2007. The Alstom Foundation adds around 35 new projects each year. Are you ready to submit yours?
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